Monday 11 June 2012

How to Bowl

This assumes you are right-handed - if not, just substitute 'right' for 'left' and vice versa... obviously!

Stand just over 4 steps back from the Black Line (Foul Line) and face square on to the pins.  Hold the ball at waist height.

Push the ball and right foot forward together.

Let the ball swing to your side in a pendulum movement.

As you go into the third step, the ball goes to the top of the backswing.

Keep shoulder square to the Foul/Black Line and slide on the left foot with the left knee bent.

Let the ball swing through naturally and release it at the bottom of the swing.  Follow through by continuing the swing of your arm until it points at the pins.

Choosing the Right Ball

Pick the heaviest ball you can comfortably handle, with finger holes and handspan as near to possible as your own.

The ball is held with the thumb and two middle fingers (which should fit snugly, but not too tightly).  Fully insert your thumb and stretch your two middle fingers of the finger holes.  The middle join of each finger should extend just over the rear edge of the holes.

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